Never before January of 2016 have I ever
had a serious debate with someone that argues the Earth is flat. I marked January of 2016 as the time that
Facebook and other Internet social networks became bombarded by a movement to
convince people that the Earth is actually flat. The flat Earth theme has since dominated a
lot of Internet conversations. Is that
where all this dumbing down has been headed to?
On one hand it’s the spirit of Gnosticism to say I really do not know
what the shape of the planet I stand on is, but it’s the opposite of Gnosticism
to pretend to KNOW that it is flat. In
addition to the fact that it makes no sense their evidence is extremely flimsy
in light of what we can know about our round planet. Their main argument is the seemingly
observable flatness of the horizon line, which is the very evidence convincing this
critical thinking observer of curvature because things do indeed disappear
behind horizon lines. Why would a flat
Earth have a horizon line at all? The
truth is that there is no such thing as a straight line in this curved
universe. This writing is not intended
to prove that we live on a globe, but the flat-Earthers have argued their way
into becoming this year’s flat Earth Christmas card design, which features the
Earth drawn as they see it.
Another dominating theme of this year
has been the countless terrorist attacks and mass shootings to include police
that have obviously been trained to go in shooting and then figure out what the
situation is afterwards. Now-a-days it
is obvious that America is being subjected to a covert Operation GLADIO, which
is accompanied by desperate arguments for more gun control. In similar news it has become apparent in the
ongoing 9/11 investigation that the 2001 event was actually the old Operation
Northwoods plan itself that was used to carry out 9/11. I had just never before knew the details
about the Operation Northwoods plan, which I’ve known about since that day. The operation was revived for 2001 after President
Kennedy had decades before refused to do it during the Bay of Pigs fiasco. What that means is that the actual hijacked
aircraft as outlined in Operation Northwoods were switched out with drone craft
that were steered into the targets. That
also explains YouTube footage that indicates CGI might have been used to doctor
the drones on video footage to make them look like regular United Airlines
planes. It seems like a classic CIA
attempt to muddy this well with a movement similar to the flat Earthers that
argues there were no planes at all on 9/11, and all those witnesses saw
holograms. No-planers and flat-Earthers
both without objectivity indulge the same folly of embracing a ridiculous
explanation as the real truth on the flimsiest of reasons. Hmmm, religion does that. In addition to the truth-movement distraction
that is flat Earth, the (PRAVDA) media has also tried to distract 9/11
investigations with rumors from 28 classified pages redacted from the 9/11
investigation by saying that they prove Saudi Arabia did it. That all might backfire as the survivors move
forward with suing Saudi Arabia over it because we know the other players,
which those 28 pages probably also shed light on.
Earlier this year on March 22nd
there was a terrorist attack in Brussels, but like so many of these terrorist
attacks, the event was soon overshadowed with evidence that it had been staged
and orchestrated with hired crisis actors.
That point of view only becomes more compelling in light of the fact
that the news featured one of the survivors who was a Mormon missionary from
Utah named Mason Wells, who also happened to have made the news before as a
survivor of the Paris attacks, and also the Boston bombings. Yeah, that’s good Kool-Aid. What’s in this stuff? Obviously the flat Earth psy-op, orchestrated
false flag attacks, and the full-of-SHIT government side of every story are all
tying together into the fact that we are all being BULLSHITTED like never
before into collectively doing something that we won’t be easily or rationally
dragged into doing. I hope that we just
do not do it. We’ve been fighting these
longest, most expensive wars in history for no American reason other than
military industrial complex profits, or for hypocritical
say-one-thing-do-another reasons, and only the collective will of the American
people will ever stop it. Trying to
argue that point all these years has been like trying to stop a country from
committing suicide, and we still won’t come down from the ledge. Life is scary and hard, but you have to face
it to swing at it as it comes because it doesn’t go in the other direction. Come on down from that ledge America.
The flat Earth on this year’s drawing is
surrounded with the laurel leaf design to turn the Earth into the familiar UN
symbol, which flat Earthers will point out is the powers-that-be’s way of
rubbing the long kept secret truth in our faces. The UN symbol also represents this year’s
theme of more and more UN troop training missions going on here in the US, as
well as thousands of coffins purchased, and billions and billions of bullets
being acquired by the UN beholden Obummer Administration. Not to mention we now have open FEMA camps in
North Carolina with homeless being rounded up in them, which before in earlier
writings were only ridiculed rumors of FEMA camps. The world is fast dividing itself into
globalists vs. nationalists, which makes one wonder what these out-of-touch
pipe-dreamers in power are really up to.
The Summer Olympics in Brazil lost 4
billion dollars on the event; all so that athletes instructed to keep their
heads above the water could swim in sewage.
So what was to be gained from this world class event if you are a
desperately failing New World Order string-puller, like say billionaire George
Soros? There were stories about GMO
pesticides being used near the Summer Olympics, which produces effects that are
similar to a local mosquitos-driven virus known as Zika. Ironically that same pesticide was directly
dumped upon Florida residents in an attempt to rid the state of the Zika virus
that has evidently now spread to North America.
They did not even try to hide the Zika spraying in a conspicuous looking
chem-trail and fingers are already pointing at the wife of the Florida governor
who is a CEO at the same pesticide company.
So why get all worked up over a flu-like
Zika virus that may be getting spread across the world through the Summer
Olympics? And why make sure a lot of
people in Florida catch it, or at least something a lot like it? If any adult catches Zika they are likely to
suffer a day of flu-like symptoms and then be completely over it. It may be because for pregnant women catching
Zika they are likely to give birth to a baby with a deformed head that doesn’t
contain a fully developed brain. The
condition is known as microcephaly. They
may be pushing Zika as an explanation for a rise in the occurrences of
microcephaly around the world because more and more places with leaking nuclear
reactors such as Florida are also causing microcephaly. This was even validated by discovering a
suppressed story about microcephaly that is currently happening to newly born
children in Washington State near the Hanford nuclear reservation. Let me also just mention the unmentionable
word here; FUKISHIMA.
It hasn’t reached home yet, but now my
greatest fear of what might happen to me has come to Venezuela in the form of
hyperinflation and Mad-Max anarchy in the streets. Flint Michigan water has been poisoned with
lead since at least 2014, and the other day Congress kicked that can of fixing
it a couple more years down the road, and then with the other Congressional
hand they approved another 38 billion for Israel in the next ten years. You’d think that kicking cans down the road and
kissing Israel’s butt was why we pay those worthless Congressional FUCKERS of
mothers. Also that can they kicked to
another day back in 2008 might be landing today on the fiscal year end of
October 1st as I write this.
In April of 2016 the Panama papers were released to expose the money
laundering and tax evading schemes of the elite, but instead of bringing that
world to its knees the only real consequence was to cause the Prime Minister of
Iceland to resign under the disgrace of his exposure as one involved in a
Panama paper tax evasion scam. Iceland
was the country that handled the 2008 bank crisis by throwing their own bankers
in prison as opposed to the way the rest of the western world handled it, and
this Panama paper story sure looks like revenge by the imprisoned bankers upon
the government of Iceland.
Obummer the other day gave a speech at
the UN to stress the importance of giving up our individual rights and freedoms
for a more global government-handled security, which already has me sleeping
less secure at night. Now he has
announced that he is sending US troops into Syria to be used as human shields
to keep Russia and the sovereign government of Syria from attacking the Al
Qaeda / Al-Nursa terrorists that we originally went to war against back when we
the American people were first brought onboard this stupid say-one-thing-do-another
war on terror. They are shoving another
crime against humanity down our throats and telling us that we love it. They want to turn Assad into the next Saddam
Hussein, but for all the proven BULLSHIT told about Assad set aside, I cannot
think of anything that man has done to deserve being replaced with what we’ve
already left Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan to fester in. Maybe his use of torture can justify a war
against him, which he assisted our CIA with out of the same fearful mistake of
cooperation with the war on terror that Libya’s Gadhafi also made, but that’s a
glass house argument for as long as Obummer fails in his promise to close the
American Guantanamo gulag. I am told the
Syrian President’s father was a tyrant by the same ones that are lying to me
about Bashir Al Assad, but what if that is just more weapons of mass
destruction BULLSHIT? There was a point
in history a few years ago when we crossed a line between when BULLSHIT worked,
and afterwards when it now doesn’t.
Today it is almost a source of amusement to watch Washington DC not get
Competing with the flat Earth theme for
the honor of most retarded thing about this year has been the 2016 Presidential
election starting with that Canadian Bush-cousin Ted Cruz who they tried to
sell us. Ted Cruz is a special kind of
rotten apple like his trademark poison-pill strategy of legislating. Well the Republicans will see their Ted Cruz,
and raise you a Donald Trump. Now that’s
entertainment. It has panned out to be a
damned if you do, damned if you don’t election for us slaves to the two-party
paradigm, but it is a great year for throwing a vote away on a 3rd
party candidate. There are no spoilers
in a spoiled election. To quote a
classic Hillary, “I mean, what difference does it make?”
Conservatives, along with their radical
and destructive intentions do still look to me like what must be stopped. Republicans still don’t tickle my liberal
ears with Berlin walls and immigrant hatred, but I also can’t vote for a Jew to
put a cherry on the top of the 9/11 coup d’état, or for a war criminal who was
the worse Secretary of State that has ever been. The whole good-cop/bad-cop two party act has
just worn out into two ridiculous extremes that have no real difference and
change nothing. This is entertainment
pretending to be change. This election
is also starting to look like two criminals trying to become President so they
can stop investigations currently proceeding against them. Hillary has been selling the country to the
rest of the world through the Clinton Foundation, which now has attracted FBI
attention, and Trump has been audited by the IRS for the last 7 years over billion
dollar tax-break records that he will never show the people.
On February 13th, 2016
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia was found dead in his bed at a Texas
hunting ranch vacation spot for the elite.
Initial reports that he was found with a pillow over his head were later
explained away as describing the pillow being above his head further up on the
bed. No autopsy was performed, and no
replacement is going to come from those that accomplish nothing for a living,
the Republican controlled houses. Even
when they are in control they only know how to filibuster. Whether Scalia was murdered or not remains a
mystery, but the very real controversy it invokes is appropriate for a year of
suspicious deaths that appear to have benefitted the Hillary for President
Campaign. My personal perspective on
this subject has experienced a full 180-degree change since first viewing the
video called, “The Clinton Chronicles,” back in the year 1999, and thinking it
was just more right-wing anti-Clinton gotcha lies. You know it doesn’t help that both sides of
this system of extremes are full of SHIT.
Murder has conspicuously hounded the life of Hillary Clinton since Vince
Foster, but for now let’s just document only the latest 2016 possible murder
cases as of October 2016. On August 1,
2016 the anti-Hillary journalist Victor Thorn died of alleged suicide just before
he would have finished his latest book about Hillary, the next possible
President of the US. Seth Conrad Rich
was the DNC Voter Expansion Data Director who turned out to be the one that
provided Julian Assange with his DNC data dump; contrary to the allegation of
television talking heads who will tell you it was Russian hackers that did
that. Seth was gunned down on the
streets of Washington DC by a still unknown assailant on July 10, 2016. Joe Montano was Chairman of the DNC before
the one that resigned in disgrace in July, Debbie Wasserman Shultz. Joe died at the age of 47 of an alleged heart
attack on July 25, 2016. Shawn Lucas was
suing the DNC over all the proven voter fraud that was used to flip the votes away
from Bernie Sanders in the primary nomination process. Boy, I hope there are no shenanigans like
that in the coming general election.
Shawn’s body was found by his girlfriend on August 2, 2016; cause of
death, still unknown. John Jones was a
lawyer for Julian Assange who got hit by a train on April 18, 2016, and it
should also be mentioned here that there have also been failed attempts on the
life of Julian Assange himself that were reported even by mainstream news. Berta Cáceres' in Honduras was a human rights
activist that identified Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s role in the
Honduran coup d’état. She was murdered
on March 3rd, 2016. Last but
not least John Ashe the former UN General Assembly President had his throat
crushed by a barbell on June 22, 2016, the same day he was to testify about
Hillary’s links to a 1996 Bill Clinton re-election China-gate scandal.
I have also seen Internet images of
Bernie Sanders at the DNC convention with a black-eye. That brought to mind stories from previous
years of former Secretaries of Defense who resigned with visible facial
injuries such as Bill Gates and Chuck Hagel.
Whatever happened to the office of Secretary of Defense anyway? Now-a-days it appears that the job is done by
the much more war-mongering Secretary of State position, which used to be a
department of diplomats that kept the peace before Hillary showed up. It could be that the New World Order
globalists want to turn the US Secretary of State office into a Prime Minister
position. That would turn the US into
something more like Russia, which has a President that nobody over here can
name along with a permanent Prime Minister who we all know as Putin. Watch this world become a place where we
still vote for a President every 4 years who then keeps nominating the same
person for Secretary of State, Presidency after Presidency, and we dumb
Americans won’t see anything wrong with that.
Does that really sound so implausible in a country that put up with J.
Edgar Hoover for over 40 years?
On June 23, 2016 Briton voted to leave
the sinking ship that is the European Union.
The establishment shills on the television all freaked out while Briton is
probably about to become the next Iceland-like economic success story. In May of 2016 an Egypt air flight went down
in the Mediterranean, but by June that news was swept under a carpet with no recovered
black box information. The only possible
witnesses were an enormous military exercise by Israel that was going on in the
same area, but they all say that they didn’t see anything. Last year the Paris attacks of November 2015
may have been delayed a couple months by three civilians on a commuter train the
previous month of August who stopped a terrorist with a jammed Kalashnikov
weapon by physically subduing the assailant while taking non-lethal injuries
themselves as a result. Then that
October 8, 2015 one of those heroes, Spencer Stone in California was stabbed
multiple times in the chest by an attacker still at large. He lived, but also another of those heroes,
Alek Skarlatos had been enrolling at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg
Oregon, but instead of showing up on the first day of school he ended up being
an honorary guest on the show Dancing with the Stars. That was the same day a shooter showed up at
Umpqua Community College and opened fire killing 9 people before being stopped. Alek Skarlatos is the soldier in the
controversial PR picture with Hillary Clinton who is subtly giving the military
hand signal for being under duress.
Although this writing has no intention
of listing all of the orchestrated operation GLADIO terror attacks of 2016 I
will bring up the Orlando mass shooting of June 2016 since it has come to light
that most of the deaths were by the target practice of the SWAT team that went
in at 5:30AM that morning. They have
admitted this. The police are obviously
being trained this way and somehow it is unpatriotic to accuse the police of wrongdoing
or corruption. The gun violence in
Chicago flies ironically in the face of the fact that it is the most
gun-controlled city in the country, but also a great example of the kind of
police corruption that is worth noticing.
There are still secret gulag chambers of torture in Chicago that are
full of disappeared US citizens, which everyone should know about.
The underlying theme of all the gun
violence is violence itself. It’s this
sadistic punishment obsessed bomb-them-all-let-God-sort-them-out attitude of
violence that appears closer to the real problem with our Trump-voting
America. Why are we so violent? Although economic disparity likes to be the
obvious culprit it pales before the more obvious transgressor of 15-plus years
of senseless war for corporate mercenary profits; 15-plus years of dehumanizing
other human beings. Let’s go ahead and
move economic disparity down even another peg here in place of fear as the 2nd
biggest reason for violence. I could be
wrong about that one, but clearly we are living in an Operation GLADIO
fear-factory here, and worse than what we have become is what we are
becoming. It makes video games not even
worth putting on this list of reasons for the violence.
Maybe the Israeli coup d’état should be
on the list as the orchestrators of this violence, which appears so surgically
designed to raise animosity toward their Muslim nemesis. It’s not just the obvious control of
Hollywood, or the Greater Israel pipe-dreams of someday moving all Arabs into
concentration camps. It’s not even just
that Congress quaking with fear and whorishness for the coup d’état, nor is it
only a great Rothschild’s plan for world domination. It’s not even American police shootings almost
every week inspired by their Fatherland Security prescribed Israeli Defense
Forces training. It’s not just Einstein
and Carl Jung and the Illuminati either.
It is all of these things. America
has become the whore of Babylon because the rest of the world has always valued
America more than us indifferent Americans.
Hillary Clinton stands a Trump gaffe away from the White House with her
pay-to-play Clinton Foundation mischief, and it makes all the crony money that Trump
would no-doubt make off building a wall boondoggle seem like the more
affordable choice. Hillary makes the
Statue of Liberty appear to the rest of the world to be saying, “Here I am
boys. Come and have me. I’m not wearing anything under this
robe.” Anyone with half a brain can
think this through to the Gog vs. Magog end of the world that this all is so anxiously
trying to bring about.
The economics of the world have gone
bat-shit crazy. Ten dollars of groceries
two years ago surly costs at least $20 dollars today, and that dollar
depreciation that they try to write off on the common man with insane dollar
printing has only just begun to teach us old-school citizens the Weimar Germany
8th Grade Social Studies class lesson again, and this time the hard
way. The markets have to correct, and
then maybe become more regulated, but that was kicked down the road in 2008 and
here we are where it may be landing. The
market cannot correct itself because the only way to turn the majority back
into winners is to turn the elite into losers with their over-leveraged
deregulated imaginary speculation fortunes.
There just has got to be another way.
We do not want to become like Venezuela.
Keep printing! I can’t be the
only one feeling an inflation noose caused by printed fiat money tightening
around my neck. Someday the floor might
be pulled out from under us, and we will all hang. All we have to do to turn this around and stop
lead-poisoned water and crumbling infrastructure is to un-employ a bunch of over-priced
war-crime committing mercenaries, and let’s stop these senseless back-firing
pipe-dream and lie-justified wars that are wrecking the world both over there
and right here. That would return all of
our tax-dollars to domestic spending, which are currently being flushed down a senseless
war toilet. Recent news has informed us
that now the Pentagon cannot account for over 6.5 TRILLION dollars. Remember when Rumsfeld first informed
President Bush back in 2001 of that number being 2 TRILLION the day before 9/11? That is only the money they lost, not the
unmentionable amount they have flushed down the known war budget toilet. I feel like the star of the movie,
“Idiotocracy” trying to explain this.
Unfortunately neither major candidate would do anything about that for
this country with your vote, but what if everyone picked the 3rd
choice who happens to run on that promise?
Are we really as a country going to be slaves on November 8th
to what the polls tell us to do, or will we face those three choices and vote
for the best one?
For the converts to the flat-Earth
psy-op I offer the analogy of Atlas on this year’s drawing who is holding up
the flat Earth under the frozen wall of ice that supposedly marks the Antarctic
edge of Earth. Atlas was a great leader
of the legendary Titans of Greek mythology who was forced to hold up the Earth
by Zeus after the Great War in Heaven.
The serpent that was appointed to torment Atlas was later slain by the
demi-god Hercules, and then even later Atlas was changed into the Atlas
Mountains in Africa by Perseus using the head of Medusa. Today Atlas is synonymous with the name given
to books of world maps. Atlas may have
originally been a great Stone Age king who attained profound knowledge of the
stars for the sake of farming and navigation.
He may have even been the one playing a role in the creation of
world-wide calendar structures such as Stonehenge. Atlas allegedly taught mankind that the shape
of the heavens took the form of a globe.
This evolved into the ubiquitous depictions of Atlas holding up a globed
Earth, which this year’s drawing is an exception to. The Stone Age revelation that the heavens
took the shape of a globe is obviously because we stand on a globe while we
look up at the heavens. With just a
little more brain power one may obtain the gnosis that the globe they stand on
is also doing the spinning, and not the other way round by using mechanics that
no flat Earther can explain in any rational way. The legend that the great king Atlas became
would come to be expressed in the old saying, “The heavens rest on the
shoulders of Atlas.” Most flat Earthers
however, are just repeating lies that they know are lies, and doing the devil’s
work of deception about the nature of reality, probably out of loyalty to an
idea of God that must be at least as deceptive as that devil for putting us all
in such a strange flat Earth Truman Show to begin with. Most flat Earthers do come across as Christian,
and that’s the strong selling point for some flat Earthers believing that Satan
wants us to think the Earth is round and space is real to blind us to the true
God living up there on the other side of the firmament, which is our sky made
of something like a blanket with little holes in it.
The night sky makes up the rest of this
year’s drawing, which were the keys that unlocked the gnosis that the ancient king
Atlas obtained. It was also the stars
that first settled this flat-Earth/round-Earth argument over 400 years ago when
mankind finally liberated themselves from a geocentric DARK AGE interpretation
of this universe. It was the geocentric believers
that proposed the theory of epicycles to explain the retrograde motions of the planets
at certain times of the year, and as that model became more-and-more
implausible and impossible to justify with further observation it shattered under
the weight of a simpler more eloquent heliocentric model, which works still to
this day. That is why it is the
heliocentric globe Earth model that has become the idol we worship in the
Gnostic church of the Scientific Method.
In this church of science we believe that we have indeed been into
space, and our faith becomes reinforced and entertained by always new discoveries
since we don’t have to throw the last 150 years of scientific accomplishment
out the window as lies lies LIES. “Only
gullible morons think that NASA has ever been to the Moon. Those Van Allen belts would have melted their
ship.” Are those Amish now using the
Internet or something? Recently SETI
scientists announced that they may have found a possibly alien signal made by
intelligent life. It is an anomalously
strong RF signal that cannot be produced without sophisticated technology,
which is in the direction of the star HD164595.
It is in a strange part of the frequency spectrum at 11 GHz. Also SETI plans to explore another area of
promise this month in the skies that shows similar evidence of intelligent
life. I can’t wait to read about what
they discover.
This brings this writing to the reason
the constellation Centaurus is on prominent display with the Southern Cross at
its back hoof on this year’s artwork. It
is the southern sky that destroys the flat Earth model by not behaving in any
way as it should if the Earth was a flat plate either rotating around a central
north pole axis or with a sky that does all the rotating for us. We round-Earthers have a very logical
explanation of why we in the northern hemisphere cannot see this Southern Cross
constellation from above 25 degrees north latitude. This constellation also is where you find the
closest stars to Earth, which are Alpha Centauri, and Beta Centauri that make
up the centaur’s front hoofs. This is
actually a system of three stars that includes a barely visible red-dwarf star
called Proxima Centauri, which scientists have just announced actually has a
potentially Earth-like planet in its habitable zone where running water may
exist under the skies of a planet with an 11-day orbital year. That means there may be another Earth like
planet just 4.37 light years from Earth.
On July 14, 2016 there was a failed coup
attempt in Turkey to oust Erdagon a week after he apologized to Russia for
shooting down one of the Russian aircraft that were defending the demonized government
of Syria against terrorists that our war against is now defending. The coup has America’s fingerprints all over
it and the wrong side of history is at least now looking even more like a
self-destructive strategy. Oh come on ! The Federal Reserve petrol dollar is on its
way out. That is just the writing on the
wall. Let’s not have a world war over
it, especially on behalf of the terrorist-supporting wrong side of history
while using an American foreign policy that is so wrong it is pure FUCKING evil. The future looks bleak, but in reality we are
on the verge of a whole new reality like never before in history. I want marijuana legalized in my state so I
can start writing my pot purchases off on my taxes as a work expense. There is still some past that also lingers on
this precipice, which we have to let go of before we can actually move
forward. Even then there will probably
be a little more of that past to wipe off our metaphorical asses before we can
finally get off of this pot and move on.
For all the tax dollars we are flushing down this metaphorical toilet
however, it is probably going to over-flow because of using too much paper.
Anyone paying attention can sense the
increase in earthquake and volcano activity that is happening around the basin
of the Pacific Ocean. Something is
building up there and it makes all the news stories increasing in frequency about
earthquakes and volcanoes only appear as a pretext or prelude of an event yet
to come. That event will be the hammer
of G-d, and it will change everything for all time. I’ll just continue living on in my own little
world, and as an artist life is an interesting journey through realms of
imagination. I will continue on this
strange journey taking notes and drawing pictures along the way.
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